About Us

Scottsdale Gym

Located in Scottsdale, Arizona, Off The Grid Fitness is proud to be the first eco-friendly fitness center in Arizona. Our mission is to provide the local community with unprecedented personal training, and comprehensive nutritional counseling.

Good For You & Good For The Environment

While the majority of gyms use equipment that consume energy at a cost to the environment, most of the cardio machines at Off The Grid Fitness are either self-powered or return energy back to the “grid”. This means that user of the cardio machine is actually producing “positive” energy back to the grid.

Off The Grid Fitness also offers a variety of classes where the only energy used is that of our clients. Classes include Pilates, indoor cycling and the TRX Suspension Trainer, an “off-the-grid” performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user's body weight.

The equipment and classes have been carefully selected and crafted to provide you with more effective, comfortable workouts. For example, The Curve self-powered treadmills, which are used by many major professional sports teams and rehabilitation centers, let you burn more calories per use than a regular treadmill, and they're easier on the knees and other joints.

Core Values & Principles

Off The Grid Fitness cares about its clients and shows this by focusing on the following three values.

Clean & Friendly Environment: Off The Grid Fitness cares about the environment, and that includes its own facilities, which are always clean and well kept. Also, Off The Grid Fitness offers state of the art equipment while maintaining a neighborhood gym feel.

Clear & flexible pricing: You can pay monthly or with a yearly membership, and there are no hidden fees. Space to work out: We are not a major chain interested in having 1,000 members in our space. Off the Grid Fitness make sure there is sufficient space for its members to work out, take a class, or just relax.

These values stem from Off The Grid Fitness’ three core principles, which are reflected in its logo:

COMMUNITY Whether taking a group class, working out with a personal trainer, lifting weights with your friends, or just working out next to other people, Off The Grid Fitness is dedicated to having a community where each member is a person, not a number.
ENERGY Fitness leads to a healthier, happier, longer, and more productive life. Off The Grid Fitness pledges that all its clients will feel more energized by working out.
SUSTAINABILITY Being able to work-out outdoors is just as important as working out indoors. Off The Grid Fitness reduces its impact on the environment to help make sure that the great outdoors remain great.